Microsoft Office 2003 Activation


Microsoft is aware of the Office 2003 hack and according to Serial-Crack (specializes in Activation Hacks such as these) states that ‘This is by design and considered a product feature’. Rumor has it that this hack will also work on future versions of Microsoft Office. If your version of Microsoft Office came with your PC, you can download or order a backup version. If your version of Microsoft Office came with your PC, you can download or order a backup version. Breaking news from around the world Get the Bing + MSN extension. No thanks Add it now. Collaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Save documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online, in OneDrive.

  1. Microsoft Office 2003 Crack
  2. Ms Office 2003 Activation Key
  3. Office 2003 Activation Hack
  4. Microsoft Office 2003 Activation Key
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[ 9 posts ]

Copies of Office from as early as Office 2003 have Microsoft Product Identifier. 2007 is end of life. 2010 and 2013 still have disks. How to order a replacement CD/DVD. I have an old Microsoft Office 2003 which I downloaded onto my new computer. However I cannot activate it with the product key I have. Please help me be able to activate it. Baofeng radio frequency list. Jan 20, 2015  I have an old Microsoft Office 2003 which I downloaded onto my new computer. However I cannot activate it with the product key I have. Please help me be able to activate it. Hi, Since I'm not sure about the product key status, I may not be able to help you in this scenario directly. Since licensing policy may differ in different areas, I.

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Post subject: Removing Activation In Office 2003 Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:37 am

Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:27 am
Is there a way to do this, or to trick it into thinking it is activated? I got a old Visio disk here that says it has been activated the max amount of times (because I installed it on my old machice and my old laptop). If this post breaks the rules then you can lock it.

It's called a hustle, sweetheart.


Microsoft Office 2003 Crack

Post subject: Re: Removing Activation In Office 2003 Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:08 am

Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:07 am
Los Angeles, California
Favourite OS
Windows 7 x64
It's call Anti-MSOPA 1.7
Anti Product Activation Patch 1.7 for Office 2003 & XP
Disables the product activation of Office 2003 & XP
and any other related products like Visio, FrontPage
MS Project or Visual Studio.Net which uses mso.dll
>< [email protected]
>Will it work for my version of Office?
Try it and you will see.
(Backup your mso.dll manually if you're afraid something can go wrong)
The patch scans for byte pattern and don't uses fix offset, like
some other cracks which only support one specific version.
For that it will support a wide range of versions, hopefully also coming
>The main patch windows popped up twice is this a bug?
That's completely normal if you have also Office XP or any
other component installed that uses Office10.
The first time Office11mso.dll (Office 2003) is patched and
the second time Office10mso.dll (Office XP).
>The about doesn't display my ProductID?
Restore the patch manually (mso.bak -> mso.dll)
reapply the patch and click 'Yes' - skip PID-patch.
>What files modified by the patch?
It modifies these 2 files:
[programs]common filesMicrosoft SharedOFFICE11mso.dll
[programs]common filesMicrosoft SharedOFFICE10mso.dll
and backup the original in the same dir as mso.bak.
Nothing else is changed.
>I get: 'Can't open mso.dll for read/write access'
Quit any running office applications
or delete/move mso.bak.
>I extracted Anti-MSOPA.exe and applied it the mso.dll of Office 2003 and
now Office 2003 crashes.
The mso.dll of Office 2003 is CRC-protected - if this self checks fail
mso.dll will crash without any warning.
The task of Anti-MSOPA-Prepatch.exe is to disable these self checks.
(For mso.dll of Office XP Anti-MSOPA-Prepatch.exe it's not absolutely necessary)
>Patch didn't work / had no effect / Office crashes ..
To ensure that's because of the patch
Restore mso.dll and check if Office works.
Apply the patch (watch out for errormessage of the patcher).
If the error is still there look if there's an update
Post the error in the forum. Please include details like your
OS, anti-msopa version, version of mso.dll, when the crash did occurs..
>I'm wondering if I can somehow edit the files on the install cd so that it will patch it automaticly or just install a patched version?
1.Extract O1561412.CAB to some
2.Patch mso.dll
3. Repack file via makecab.exe(windowssystem32)
Place this
MAKECAB.ddf in the upper Dir
; DIAMOND directive file
.OPTION EXPLICIT ; Generate errors on variable typos
.Set CabinetNameTemplate=mycab.CAB
;** The files specified below are stored, compressed, in cabinet files
.Set Cabinet=on
.Set Compress=on
.Set CompressionType=LZX
.Set CompressionMemory=21
.Set MaxDiskSize=2147483136
and complete it by adding a filelist via
'dir /b >>.makecab.ddf' <- run this from inside extractiondir
Now create the cab by running
makecab /f .makecab.ddf
Don't use winace to repack because it will not retain order of file (always sorts them by name)
Some notes:
* keep in mind that you may need to restore the original mso.dll if you install
* I tested the patch only for Office2003
* yes the cracked mso.dll can be somehow integrated into the office-setup files
and edit your autorun.inf like this, so you needn't enter the PID anymore
* to reset the 30-days-counter delete
[Docs&cfg]All UsersAnwendungsdatenMicrosoftOfficeDATA*.dat
* The CDKEY is store in registry under
[DigitalProductID] at Offset 35 and is 10 byte long
(simply as binary number to the base 24 over 'BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789')
you can export this setting to recover it on another PC.
you can use my DPCDLL-LicViewer or any other CDKEY-viewer even one which is for
Windows, since it's in the same format
* There are special cooperated of Office which don't required activation.
Mostly they have a PID with '..-640-..'.
You can also identify them by the GUID of [Office2k3]FILESSETUPSETUP.INI
ProductCode= {90110407-..
9 Release to manufacturing.
0 Enterprise
11 Microsoft Office Professional Enterprise Edition 2003
0407 German
Value Edition:0 Enterprise
1 Retail/OEM
2 Trial
A very important rolled (beside your CDKEY) play ID_011.DPC which contains
the product code (90110407)it is only valid for a list of allowed GUID's
and a list with valid cooperated PID ranges (so it needn't to be
always -640-). SKU011.XML is also used somehow..
1.7 BugFix Office2k3 SP3 MsoFGimmeProductID(Change 'Ret 4' to 'Ret 0') caused
a crash when sending a mail with Outlook and
HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice11.0Registration settings are missing
1.6 BugFix Office2k3 SP3 (Patch 1 - 'delayed PA-call'-> FAILED !)
Removed exe-packer from 'Anti-MSOPA.exe' because it tiggers AV-Alerts
1.5 'Type mismatch error' fixed when local windows timeformat setting is like '2:55 pm'
1.4 Whoops somehow SaveFunctionPatch patch was comment out when I compiled the patch <-*fixed*
1.3 More general SaveFunctionPatch patch - so it will work also for
'Office 2003 - student & teacher edition'
1.2 Added SaveFunctionPatch to fix a crash when you save a VS.Net-Project
Already applied dectection for MsoFGimmeProductID to avoid corruptions when run
1.1 Patch pattern for 'delayed PA-call' was not found on some OfficeXP versions
Office XP crashed because self checks in mso.dll were not disabled
Confusing error message corrected
1.0.1 Bugfix: The current mso.dll may get overwrites by a mso.bak of an earlier version
1.0 Initial Release
FAQ reply on a mail (Sorry in german only)
> habe schon mitbekommen das es für office das auch gibt, nur beim
> AntiWPA2 patch kann man auch die .dll auswählen.. kannst du diese
> möglichkeit bitte auch im
> office patch einbauen, eben das man office nicht unbedingt installiert
> haben muss um es patchen zu können.
Das kommt sicher nicht so oft vor - aber ist auch möglich
Der Anti-MSOPA.exe ist eine Winrar-SFX Exe.
1. Anti-MSOPA.exe in Winrar öffnen und entpacken
(2. mso.dll auch in das Verzeichnis kopieren)
3. Anti-MSOPA-Prepatch.exe mso.dll (oder Antiwpa2 ->mso.dll) starten
4. Anti-MSOPA.exe starten um mso.dll zu patchen
Da der Patch zwei mso.dll patched falls Office10(XP) & Office11(2k3) installiert sind würde ist es sicher wenn es das automatisch geht und
der DAU-User nicht mit openfile dialog boxen verunsichert wird bzw.
Verwirrung stiften kann.
Der 'Admin' (der sich etwas mehr auskennt) wird die etwas flexiblere
Oben beschriebene Version zu schätzen wissen.
> ich hab das tool mit Office 2003 Small Business Edition ausprobiert und
> hat gut geklappt - bis gestern. Seither habe ich in en Office Anwendungen
> eingeschränkte Funktionen (v.a. in Word), was sehr nervt.
> Kann man dagegen was machen?
Möglicherweise hat eine Windowsupdate die gepätchte MSO.dll durch eine Neuere ersetzt.
Lade von Anti-MSOPA_1-6 runter und wende den Patch erneut an.
Wenn das nicht hilft
löschen oder besser benenne folgende Dateien um (z.b. nach OUT_SKU151.XML)
..Microsoft OfficeOFFICE111033151SKU151.XML
..Microsoft OfficeOFFICE111033151ID_151.DPC
Bzw such nach *.dpc bzw sku*.xml Dateien im office verzeichnis und benenne diese um.
Und in Regedit (StartAusführenREGEDIT.EXE)
Umbenennen nach z.b. 'Registration-' umbenennen
Wenn's geht bitte mal schreiben was du gemacht hast dann schreib ich
Das gleich für alle in der readme dazu.
Wenn's geht mach den letzten Schritt rückgängig z.b. 'Registration-' nach 'Registration' zurück umbenennen und test ob es dann nicht mehr oder immer noch geht um so herauszufinden, welche Schritte wirklich notwendig sind und welche nicht.
'So wenig wie möglich aber soviel als nötig.'

I cannot post direct like because that would violate the rules.

Never leave home without PeerBlock, or you might not return at all.

Post subject: Re: Removing Activation In Office 2003 Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:05 pm

Wed Aug 30, 2006 10:06 pm
Is there a way to do this, or to trick it into thinking it is activated? I got a old Visio disk here that says it has been activated the max amount of times (because I installed it on my old machine and my old laptop). If this post breaks the rules then you can lock it.

If it's a legit copy you should just be able to call MS to get it activated again.


Post subject: Re: Removing Activation In Office 2003 Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:27 pm

Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:27 am
Is there a way to do this, or to trick it into thinking it is activated? I got a old Visio disk here that says it has been activated the max amount of times (because I installed it on my old machine and my old laptop). If this post breaks the rules then you can lock it.

If it's a legit copy you should just be able to call MS to get it activated again.

Yeah, its legit. I bought it at my local computer store. I'll try calling today.

It's called a hustle, sweetheart.

Post subject: Re: Removing Activation In Office 2003 Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Wed Aug 30, 2006 10:06 pm
Do you not have an option in the activation wizard to call them, when the online activation fails?


Post subject: Re: Removing Activation In Office 2003 Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:04 am

Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:27 am
Do you not have an option in the activation wizard to call them, when the online activation fails?

Yes, it gives me a phone.

It's called a hustle, sweetheart.


Ms Office 2003 Activation Key

Post subject: Re: Removing Activation In Office 2003 Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:32 am

Sun Nov 09, 2008 12:09 am
Bristol, UK
Favourite OS
Windows 8
Do you not have an option in the activation wizard to call them, when the online activation fails?

Yes, it gives me a phone.

So. phone it? They won't tell you off you know. It will probably be an automated thing and that's it. If it won't activate, you then get referred to Customer Services and if you explain I reinstalled Office, and is now requiring me to do this that and la, then you should get it activated.
Not that hard



Office 2003 Activation Hack

Post subject: Re: Removing Activation In Office 2003 Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:13 am

Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:04 am
Favourite OS
There is activation in office 2003? I have an old pirated CD, i know im bad but i cant see paying so much for office, and ive used it on many computers/laptops. Not once has it asked me to activate it, maybe activation was taken out of this pirated version? It lets me upgrade the install to SP3 no problem.


Post subject: Re: Removing Activation In Office 2003 Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 9:58 am

Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:45 am
New Zealand
There is activation in office 2003? I have an old pirated CD, i know im bad but i cant see paying so much for office, and ive used it on many computers/laptops. Not once has it asked me to activate it, maybe activation was taken out of this pirated version? It lets me upgrade the install to SP3 no problem.

This will most likely be the volume license edition as they don't need activation.

PC Gamer and hardware plus software enthusiast (especially betas).

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[ 9 posts ]

MS Office Activation - How Can I Work-Around?

MS Office Activation - How Can I Work-Around?

Microsoft Office 2003 Activation Key

Not directly MS Windows XP, but will try here: Purchased MS Office Student & Teacher Edition 2003 way back when and loaded it onto my PC -- only because for those occasions when needing to access a Word doc (I use WordPerfect) received from someone; have used PowerPoint a couple of times, but that's the extent of it.
Just upgraded my hard drive and reloaded everything; now Microsoft in its infinite wisdom presents me with:
Microsoft Office 2003 Activation Wizard
Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003
Thank you for installing Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003. You must activate your installation to fully enable all of the features. The wizard will guide you through the activation process.
How do you want to activate your copy of the software?
 I want to activate the software over the Internet (Recommended)
I want to activate the software by telephone
If you choose not to activate at this time, you may run the software 48 more times before many of the features become unavailable. Click Help for more information.
Microsoft Office 2003 Activation Wizard
Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003
Your installation cannot be activated because you have activated up to the limit for your Product Key. For details about the maximum allowed number of product activations, close the wizard and review the End User License Agreement, available via the Help menu of the application.
If you believe that you are getting this message in error, click Back and choose the telephone option. The telephone activation system will provide you the opportunity to speak with a support representative about all activation issues.
Microsoft Office 2003 Activation Wizard
Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003
Thank you for installing Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003. You must activate your installation to fully enable all of the features. The wizard will guide you through the activation process.
How do you want to activate your copy of the software?
I want to activate the software over the Internet (Recommended)
 I want to activate the software by telephone
Microsoft Office 2003 Activation Wizard
Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003
Follow these steps to activate your software over the telephone.
Step 1: Select the country/region you are calling from and call the Product Activation Center using any of the telephone numbers provided
United States
Telephone activation is no longer supported for this product.
Step 2: When prompted, provide this Installation ID:
Step 3: Enter your Confirmation ID here:
Sooooo .. what I have here is:
1. I purchase a bonafide copy of MS Office way back when
2. I initially load it on my PC and have a successful activation with MS
3. I use it rarely
4. I get a new hard drive
5. I reload MS Office
6. I'm presented with the option to activate by Internet, resulting in my being informed that 'installation cannot be activated because [I] have activated up to the limit for [my] Product Key.'
7. Next, I attempt to activate by telephone, resulting in being informed that 'Telephone activation is no longer supported for this product.'
8. So, I've helped Mr. Gates maintain his billionaire lifestyle while he has decided that since I'm unwilling to continually purchase the Next Newest Greatest Microsoft Thing I'm going to be prohibited from the full and free use of my duly-purchased product. Go figure.
This has all the brilliance of Chevrolet selling me a car in 2003, then because I won't purchase a new Chevy every other year being informed that I have only 48 more trips available and then my 2003 car will be useless ..
QUESTION: Is there some way to bypass this now-useless activation business so I can have full use of what I have purchased?
Many thanks.