Applied Calculus 6th Edition


Applied Calculus is praised for the creative and varied conceptual and modeling problems which motivate and challenge students. The 5th Edition of this market leading text exhibits the same strengths from earlier editions including the 'Rule of Four,' an emphasis on concepts and modeling, exposition that students can read and understand and a flexible approach to technology. Updated data and fresh applications throughout the book are designed to build student confidence with basic concepts and to reinforce skills. As in the previous edition, a Pre-test is included for students whose skills may need a refresher prior to taking the course.

This package includes a registration code for the WileyPLUS course associated with Applied Calculus, 6th Edition, along with a three-hole punched, loose-leaf version of the text. Please note that the loose-leaf print companion is only sold in a set and is not available for purchase on its own. Lifetime of Edition (LOE) Your students are allowed unlimited access to WebAssign courses that use this edition of the textbook at no additional cost. Textbook Resources. Additional instructional and learning resources are available with the textbook, and might include testbanks, slide presentations, online simulations, videos, and documents. This package includes a registration code for the WileyPLUS course associated with Applied Calculus.

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About the Author:

Applied Calculus 6th Edition Hughes-hallett Pdf

Stefan Waner and Steven R. Costenoble both received their Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, having studied several years apart with the same advisor, J. Peter May. Their paths merged when Steven joined Stefan at Hofstra University in 1987; since then they have coauthored 18 research papers as well as a research-level monograph in algebraic topology. By the early 1990s they had become dissatisfied with many of the Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus textbooks. They wanted textbooks that were more readable and relevant to students' interests, containing examples and exercises that were interesting, and reflected the interactive approaches and techniques they found worked well with their own students. It therefore seemed natural to extend their research collaboration to a joint textbook writing project that expressed these ideals. To this day, they continue to work together on their textbook projects, their research in algebraic topology, and their teaching.

  • Get Access Applied Calculus 6th Edition Textbook Solutions now. Our Textbook Solutions are written by Crazyforstudy experts. Full of relevant, diverse, and current real-world applications, Stefan Waner and Steven Costenoble's APPLIED CALCULUS, Sixth Edition helps you relate to mathematics. A large number of the applications are based on real.
  • Full of relevant and diverse real-world applications, Stefan Waner and Steven Costenoble's APPLIED CALCULUS, 6th Edition helps your students relate to mathematics. Many applications are based on real, referenced data from business, economics, the life sciences, and the social sciences.
  • A text for interactive Calculus courses, featuring innovative problems This sixth edition of Applied Calculus engages students with well-constructed problems and content to deepen understanding. The Rule of Four approach is supported in the text, where concepts are presented graphically, numerically, symbolically, and verbally.
  • Applied Calculus 6th (sixth) edition by Waner, Stefan, Costenoble, Steven published by Cengage Learning (2013) Hardcover $3.99 shipping Only 1 left in stock - order soon. More Buying Choices $102.11 (11 used & new offers).

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